2024.11.11 Dr. Eun-Ok Im, Dean and Professor of the School of Nursing at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, was invited to deliver a guest lecture titled “How to Become a Successful Nursing Leader in a Changing Environment.” In her lecture, Dr. Im discussed the various characteristics and managerial competencies that define successful leaders in both Asian and Western cultures. She also drew on her own experiences to encourage the audience to consider how nursing leaders can adopt the most effective approaches to manage organizational changes in a dynamic environment.
2023.12.01 Professor and Dean Eun-Ok Im from School of Nursing, the University of Texas at Austin, USA was invited for a guest lecture titled “Writing a successful manuscript for journal publication”.
2023.8.25 Professor Shu-Fen Wung from College of Nursing, the University of Arizona, USA was invited for a special lecture via webinar titled “The Future of Nursing Innovation-Based Learning and Research”.


舊金山州立大學健康與社會科學學院護理系教授、研究生項目助理主任周方宇受邀作題為“護理教育、學術與實踐的良好:挑戰與實踐”的專題講座。機會” 。

2022.11.15 Dr. Monica Ding from Australia and the manager of EBSCO were invited for a special lecture titled " Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Practice and Nursing Education ".

2022.8.3 Professor and Assistant Director for Graduate Program, Fangyu Chou from Department of Nursing, College of Health and Social Science, San Francisco State University, gave new graduate students an online talk entitled "Introduction to global nursing". It can enhance graduate students' understanding about global health and global nursing and increase graduate students' global view.

2022.4.12 Professor and the Director of the PhD Program at University of California San Francisco School of Nursing in the USA was invited for a special lecture titled “Theory-based Tailored Intervention using the Computer Technology”.

• 2021.11.11 Associate professor Shu-Fen Wung from the University of Arizona, USA was invited for a serial international workshop regarding research writing and publication via webinar. The third workshop “Journal Paper Refining: Revision and Response Skills” was conducted on September 10 2021. The fourth workshop “Perspective-taking: Sharing the Experience of Journal Paper Review.” was conducted on November 11 2021

College of nursing planned a series of international workshops regarding research writing and publication via webinar. Associate professor Shu-Fen Wung from the University of Arizona, USA was invited as the main speaker. The first workshop “Appraisal of Research Evidence” was conducted on April 13 and the second one “Selection of the Appropriate Scientific Journals” on June 18, 2021.
2021.04.13 Appraisal of Research Evidence

2021.06.18 Selection of the Appropriate Scientific Journals

2020.09.22 Senior Lecturer Kwong Chan from School of Medicine-Clinical Medicine, Griffith University, Australia was invited for a special lecture via webinar titled "mindfulness and reflective writing".

2019.12.17 Dr. Chin-Nu Lin from Texas Woman's University, College of Nursing, USA invited for special lecture
titled “Cultural Competence in Nursing the Differences between Taiwan & USA”.

2019.12.04 Dr. Julia Crilly from Griffith University, Australia invited for speech, which titled is " How to build research
capacity between clinical and academic settings".

2019.10.22 Dr. Cindy Jones from Bond University, Australia invited for special lecture titled “Enhancing Care &
Well-being of Older Adults via Technology”.

2019.6.20 Dr. Hsiao-Lan Wang from University of South Florida, College of Nursing, USA invited for speech, which
標題是“ 用於行為開發破壞的 ORBIT 模型——示例“PAfitME”。”